FJSEALS designs and manufactures high performance spring-energized seals for the oil and gas industry, covering exploration, refining, production, and completion activities. Our spring-energized seals are widely used in products such as control valves, reactors, couplings, regenerators, drill heads, blowout preventers, and dam trunnions.
FJSEALS collaborates closely with maintenance and purchasing staff to gain a thorough understanding of the specific equipment requirements. This enables us to provide shorter lead-time solutions to keep your operation going reliably, safely, and economically, while meeting the ever-growing regulatory demands.

- Perfect -fit seal replacement in less time and cost
With our expertise, FLSEALS is capable to identify and analyze the existing seals in your old equipment and ‘reverse-engineer’ them to provide replacements with equal or superior functionality. If necessary, we can customize new spring energized seals from scratch within a week, which is often much quicker than equipment manufacturer -- and at a reduced cost! - Resilient NORSOK, API, and ISO compliant materials withstanding the harshest environments
FLSEALS PTFE-based spring energized seals can work flawlessly amidst corrosive and aggressive chemicals without the risk of breakdown, including sour gases, carbon dioxide, acids, solvents, and corrosion inhibitors.
Our seals, made from resilient metals, rubber, and perfluorinated materials, ensure reliable performance in extreme conditions, including:
Temperature extremes down to -196°C
Pressures extremes from ultra-high vacuum up to 145,000 psi/10,000 bar
Steam and rapid gas decompression (RGD) Precision sealing to meet your requirements - Precision spring energized seals to match your requirements
FJSEALS ISO9001-accredited quality control ensures we deliver meticulously accurate seals and gaskets to meet your specifications for a perfect fit every time.